Favour or Favor

Tomee Cseh

English can be tricky with its different spellings, like “favour or favor.” Even though they mean the same, where you are and the situation can influence which one to use. This article will help you understand the differences between “favour” and “favor” with examples, making it easier to know when to choose each.

What’s the Regional Spelling Variations?

One key difference lies in the regional preferences for spelling. British English tends to use “favour,” while American English opts for the simpler “favor.”

RegionSpelling Preference
British EnglishFavour
American EnglishFavor

Quick Tip: To tell them apart, just remember the “u” in “favour” stands for British English. For the straightforward American version, it’s simply “favor” without the extra “u.”

What is the Meaning and Usage?


Verb: To show kindness or preference towards someone or something.

  • Example: She tends to favour classical music over contemporary tunes.

Noun: An act of kindness or preference.

  • Example: Could you do me a favour and pass the salt?


Verb: To show kindness or preference towards someone or something.

  • Example: The manager decided to favor the proposal due to its innovative approach.

Noun: An act of kindness or preference.

  • Example: The teacher showed great favor towards the diligent students.

How to Use in Favour or Favor in Different Contexts?

The choice between “favour” and “favor” can depend on the tone or formality of the communication.

  • In formal or academic writing, the British “favour” may be preferred.
  • In everyday conversation, especially in American English, “favor” is commonly used and is generally considered more casual.

Verb vs. Noun Usage:

Both “favour” and “favor” can be used as verbs and nouns, with slight differences in conjugation.

As a Verb:

As a Noun:

  • Example: The team received a favor from the referee during the match.

What are the Key differences Between “Favour” and “Favor” in English Language Usage?

The primary difference lies in regional spelling preferences – British English favors “favour,” while American English opts for “favor.” Both mean the same, but usage can depend on formality.


In conclusion, deciding between “favour” and “favor” might seem small, but knowing the regional and context differences can make your communication better. Whether you like the British “favour” or the American “favor,” pick the one that fits the kindness or preference you want to express.